Bad Cockerel


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
Captain, 16-week-old Blue Australorp x (Lavender Orpington x Silver-Laced Wyandotte).

Very handsome fellow, first of the batch to mature.



He hasn't tried to go after me or my son yet and I don't know if he ever will, but he was harassing the hens in the main coop (and driving the roosters crazy disciplining him) -- unlike his contemporary, Red Band, who was convincing a couple of the lower-ranked girls to mate with him willingly.

Now, in Camp Cockerel, he's harassing the younger boys. Herding them around, pecking them, guarding food, and all the undesirable stuff. At this age, Ludwig, my Black Langshan, was escorting the youngsters around and protecting them from the hens.

The genetics people here worked out that he has to be the son of one of the Splits, which makes him the grandson of my friend's MEAN Lavender Orpington rooster. A nice demonstration of the heritability of temperament.

I wasn't going to keep him anyway, but if he doesn't stop harassing the younger boys he's going to earn an early trip to the crockpot.
Bummer 😩

My batch of chickens I decided to hatch mainly for my kids education and because I really wanted chickens, are Rhode Island Reds. I didn't know about any of the chicken trading site on Facebook until I became immersed in the chicken life style. I searched for farms offering fertilized eggs and the closest and highest rating was already an hour away so that's what I went with. I heard shipping eggs was risky and it's also very expensive So I avoided that option all together. I didn't want shipped eggs to be a contributing factor to my possible failure hatching. The farm I chose only had RIR, but I didn't know too much. A chicken is a chicken right? Wrong. So here I am with Rhode Island Reds. I didn't realize that the boys were programmed to turn into weenies. I screwed up the hatching because I trusted my incubator and I only ended up with four Rhode Island Reds. Three of them turned out to be cockerels. Yay!🎉 Not.😒

Currently I'm sitting outside It's a balmy 56°. I'm watching the dynamics of my flock which also include my black mixed breed cockerel that you probably know about by now, and one golden commet pullet.

I make my assumptions based on my observations I see now but I know once hormones kick in everything can change. Some hard decisions lie before me as I'm attached to these little buggers. But I would like to wait and see what the future brings. They will soon have their own bachelor pad until they grow out enough for processing or rehoming based on their personalities and volume.🔊
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I hope he settles down after a while. Good luck!

I wasn't keeping him anyway.

Even if he were pure, he's part of my firstfruits, which I had resolved to sell and offer the proceeds to God.

If he gets any worse we'll have chicken burritos on the dinner menu.
Isn't it something how just a little bit of a rotten apple can pop up down the line?
Not to mention how those hormonal changes can flip a switch for good or bad and you're dealing with what seems to be a totally different bird.
Chickens are freaking wild, you just never know what's in there.... well besides chicken. :caf

He's just so gorgeous too -- even the gold leakage on his shoulders, though a flaw that reveals he's not purebred, is an *attractive* flaw.
Crockpot, crockpot, crockpot!
You can give what you make from him to someone in need, some privately run homeless shelters still take fresh cooked food donations. Or perhaps you've seen a beggar on the roadside.
God looks on the heart of the matter, so I don't think you have to worry about keeping it transactional, just my two cents.

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