Bad mites, feet hard as rocks-can't move them? Eyes are swelled?

If she has scaley leg mites then I would soak her feet and legs in somekind of oil[olive oil maybe] that will suffocate the mites and also help to soften up the hard areas and maybe her toes will start working again, there was a lady on her awhile back who helped alot of chickens through scaley leg mites her BYC name is Welsharon you might give her a PM and get advise from her. I hope this little one gets through this and bless you for staying at it and trying to help her. the reason you won't see the mites on her legs is because the mites burrow under the scales that line their legs it says in my book to use mineral oil or a mixture of kerosine and linseed oil. also Ivermectin is also used. this is not contagious to humans.
Theres a safe spray bought at feed stores called tempo SC- it leaves a residue powder that will continue killing pest for 60 days. No do not poultry dust your house. ALso remember as I said mite lay eggs on the hose but bed in nests so one day you might see mites on every bird one day youmihght see mites on just one bird.
Back to the Tempo it is farm safe used in dairy farms commercial egg farms and several other places. it is safe enough to give a kitten a flea dip in youmight try researching it I have kids not as young as you but I use it faithfully when needed.
The Ivomec Kills what bites on the bird it works threw the blood stream so its a good aid in eliminating the peskie littlebuggers as well
Thanks MMP, I like anything safe..
Hello there! I've had my first lice infestation this winter, and they're not easy to get rid of......I know how you feel. Most of my flock looks perfect, but then there's three that seem to be affected....I've treated everyone, and I cleaned out the whole coop and powdered everything.........

A friend told me to get Frontline spray from the feed store. She had trouble for months with lice, and the spray finally worked for her.

Also, those feet look like maybe she's got scaly leg mites. Take some of the Sevin Dust, mix it with some vasceline, and rub that all over her legs twice a day. That will kill the scaly leg mites.....

Good luck to you and your little hen,

Some animals are just more prone to infestation because they are weaker. That is to say, you can have two animals having the same illness and one will get minor symptoms and get over it and the other will get horribly sick and have lasting effects.

My kids are like this. DD will get a cold. DS will inevitably get the flu. He suffers from severe allergies and gets sick twice a year like clock work. DD rarely has anything. It's just how the genetics play out.

Your birds may all have issues, but are better able to fight it off and yes their grooming habits are a good portion of it. This little silkie just doesn't sound like it has the strength to fight this off and over come.

I would be careful with your younger babies. It's like anything, the older and younger animals are more susceptible to infection and disease than healthy mature ones.

I wish I had more advice for you. I've only had mites once and that was leg mites on some cast off birds we were given. We cleared it up with improving their diet and vaseline on the legs. No chemicals necessary.

I would be concerned that since your bird isn't eating well, she's also not helping her situation by not taking in the nutrients she needs. Try scrambled eggs, yogurt and chick feed to increase her appetite. If she doesn't eat, she will have no chance of getting better.
Mite are not a disease there is no weaker bird gets it more then the non weaker bird. the mites she is dealing with suck the vitamins and nutrience right out of the bird causing them to be weak. and lose there will to eat. scaly leg mites are best treated with a petrolium based product this I will agree on. However it only Kills whats on the host at that time. heres an article on northern fowl mites.
That should helpyou better understand why your birds are weak.
It does look as though it could be scaly leg mites. I would try and treat it as such. I had 50 or so rescue I dealt with. I can tell you what I did. I first dipped their legs in vegetable oil (any oil works). The worst in your pic and even worse...I wrapped them in a towel and put them on their sides in my lap. I took q-tips and smeared oil on all the crusty parts letting it soak in. I then took tweezers, fingernails and sometimes wire cutters to start picking away at the crust. BE CAREFUL not to just pull it off. It will take skin too and then you have an open sore to deal with. I also found later that soaking in epsom salts water helped too. I did this two times a day till the feet were crust free. Some were so bad that the crusty part had grown in a ring around where their joints bend and was hard to pull out. I put some ivomec pour on on them as well. The one who had the mites on her head I just put oil on the affected parts three or four times a few days apart. Good luck!

And yes make sure you push the food. You can do a search on here for nutritious foods to feed.
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