bad or half-baked chicken advice you've received?

I can't begin (at least not here) to describe the raging arguments my son's father (I LOATHE the term babydadddy) and I have had about the whole if you feed your chickens fruit they will quit laying thing...

He swears he read it in a book (like that makes it true) and then gets angry with me for pointing out that just because someone says it's true doesn't mean it is...

Personally I have found that the best ratio of roos to hens isn't necessarily 1:10. It really depends on the roo. I've had ratios as low as 1:5 and it was fine.
Refferring to the other post on flogging roosters, I got tickled over the statement by one poster about hanging a chicken upside down will suffocate it. It made me immediately think of this thread.

Don't worry Beekissed corrected the gal/guy.
Advice I had this summer from other chicken "breeders"

Round eggs = pullets
Pointy eggs= roos
Young roos used for breeding will give you more pullets
Older roos used for breeding will give you more cockerels
Try adjusting your incubator temps so you hatch out more pullets
Green/blue eggs are healthier with less cholesterol
Chickens not laying enough eggs?....then you need more roosters to help the hens lay more.

Oh and a neighbor some how got the idea that my chicken's eggs were cholesterol free because I didn't give my hens hormones and such like store bought eggs.

edited to add: Another neighbor thought all hens stop laying once they reach 2 years.
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You bet and that's where I was going with it. unrealistic nonsensical animal husbandry is the cause rather than the cure. Kind of like how some people can read a written recipe and never be able to cook it to even anything close to edible. Reading and research doesn't equate to learning, it just show's you can read LOL.
When I first mentioned getting chickens, a dear friend of mine told me to make sure I had a rooster, because without a rooster hens lay little eggs without yolks. "Only fertilized eggs have yolks." she said.

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