Bad Pip!

Eep! New problem! So she got shrink wrapped in the egg, and I had to peel the membrane off her face. She pushed herself out after a few minutes. But NOW there's a small bloody bulb where her yolk was! Is that the remnants of a yolk? Is that why she had such a hard time? What do I do?! I stg, this chick is going to give me PTSD.
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Sometimes they hatch with raw navals. When that happens I just dab a bit of betadine on to help prevent infection. Antibiotic ointment with no pain killers added can also be used. The tissue that got stuck outside of the naval will likely stay there for awhile and dry up but it should eventually heal. It's not an uncommon problem, I usually don't have any issues with the chicks who have them (you'll want to make sure other chicks that hatch don't peck at it, by the time another hatches she'll probably have enough fluff to hide it though).

Congratulations on her hatching, glad you were able to help her! :)
Thank goodness! I'm glad it's not too serious. How long does it take to dry up?

I can't quite recall but I think it dries quite a bit within the first few days. Eventually it will fall off but that will likely take longer.

I hatched out 5 silkie chicks on the 24th of June from my flock and one of the babies had a raw naval. It's completely dry now but it hasn't fallen off yet. It hasn't caused any issues though. :)
BabyPip.jpg Navel.jpg I circled the part that's still attached, but it's already gotten smaller so I'm a lot less worried! Yay! So stressful, but so worth it. Thank you all for helping me! I don't know what I would've done.
View attachment 2231171View attachment 2231172I circled the part that's still attached, but it's already gotten smaller so I'm a lot less worried! Yay! So stressful, but so worth it. Thank you all for helping me! I don't know what I would've done.

Aww what a little cutie! If it's not too big they often do pull the tissue into their bodies given a little time. It looks like hers may do that but even if it doesn't I'm sure she'll do just fine. :)
P.S, upon further inspection we realized that the baby has several small facial deformities. She has a flat, lopsided head with one eye higher than the other. She also has a minor cross beak. She must've been very squished! My brothers find her hilarious:rolleyes:
P.S, upon further inspection we realized that the baby has several small facial deformities. She has a flat, lopsided head with one eye higher than the other. She also has a minor cross beak. She must've been very squished! My brothers find her hilarious:rolleyes:

Aww poor little thing, I hope the deformities don't cause her any problems! I had a little cochin that got shrink wrapped who had a normal eye and a small eye that wasn't quite centered. She did just fine but one of her eyes always looked a little funny. :lol:

Crossing my fingers the cross beak on your little one stays mild! :fl

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