bad smell need help


Apr 12, 2020
ok so I hVe 9 chicken eggs and 4 duck eggs in the bator. I could not get the humidity to come up without the temp going up to high for lock down so I got advice and was told to put a rag or 2 at the bottom that were wet, it would cause humidity but not raise temp. So I did that yesterday just before lock down. Candled all eggs and all were alive and moving. Today horrid like almost mildew type smell coming from incubator, I suspected the rags so went to take them out knowing they are in lock down and one duck egg is pipped! So I close the bator humidity came up within 30 seconds and temp barely dropped maybe half a degree. My concern is the smell coming from the rags!!!! Will the babies be OK or after this one hatches out take the rags out?
I took out the rags last night the one pipped egg is still moving I hope it will be OK. The smell is gone

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