Bad Starvation case COLT

Florida chick

12 Years
Jan 19, 2008
I got a call to help on a starvation case this morning. Needless to say I ended up taking one of the worst yearlings back home. They are all so bad. Lice, fleas, worms.... MATTS of fur, raw spots full of maggots etc. The AC was called MANY times and nothing was done. At any rate our lil guy "Trooper" is now home. The vet was out and we trimmed some off his hooves to get him standing. We made a homemade sling.



Couple days and care and feed and IV support and he is UP!

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Don't underestimate the use of stomach meds for that pitiful little guy. Youngsters stressed with the lack of food often times have ulcers. Even foals get them. Gastrogard is very expensive, but a good probios powder will help a lot. If you can get a gallon of Maalox or something similar from Walmart and dose him once or twice a day, that would help. The absolute best for that is Nutrient Buffer, which is around $50 a gallon. I use it on all of my racehorse, and you can actually see the difference when you use it and when you dont. Good luck.
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I think it is awesome that you have taken the time to help this little one. If I could I would be right there with you. You are doing a great thing. I dont' understand how some one can let any living thing get into that shape.
Bless you for intervening and doing what you could for the horses. It continues to amaze me, I understand that people are facing extreme hardship but this is unconscionable.

The first irresponsible act is not controlling the herd and offspring. The deplorable act is allowing horses to get to this condition.

You are very kind.
The worst part is they have 700 ACRES of pasture, but didn't want horses bothering their cattle!

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