Bad Starvation case COLT

Hard times are not..I would go without eating before my pets would...As much as I see the cruel things people make done to animals I still feel shocked...It makes me sick!!
You are a great person...And great for saving him!!!
Probios is a valuable tool to get his intestinal flora back where it should be. Poor little feller
Good luck with him!
It's just appalling what people do to horses. I imagine their cattle are hale and hearty. You have a long road ahead. I hope it's a rewarding journey for you all.
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I agree, people do suck, well not all of them.

Thanks for stepping up and taking care of him. We need more people like you. WE also need harsher punishment for the people that do this to animals that are depending on us to care for them.

I also go without to feed my animals. They come first. They can't go out and work to earn money to feed themselves or get vetrinary care. We can. And if we can't we should ask for help. The humane society here for our area will bring food for the dogs and cats if a person has fallen to hard times. They don't do farm animals though. If I ever had to have help I'm sure I could find somebody to help. It just take asking.

I have helped rehome animals for people that could no longer take care of them or just didn't want them anymore.

Again, thank you for helping that little guy. I'm sure he thanks you too.
People that do that to their animals make me so mad ! And animal control doing nothing makes me even more mad. I think I had told you before that animal control came out to my house because some jerk said my dogs were thin and had skin conditions. Well my white shepherds weighed 80 & 85 pounds, and the only condition they had was fly bites on the tips of their ears because they kept jumping in the pond, washing the ointment off - and they wouldn't do something about that poor animal! - Burns me.... At least he's in great hands now.
Hope he improves leaps and bounds for you guys - Best wishes

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