Bad Starvation case COLT

It's so sad that human beings can do some of the horrible things they do. That's disgusting they had 700 acres and couldn"t let them bother the cattle.

Trooper is a lucky boy that you found him in time. You got him up on his feet that's great!

to you for being such a caring person!

Good luck with him. I really hope it works out.
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Thanks guys for all of the kind words. I feel its not a choice though its what is RIGHT! I can not believe people. After bugging every law enforcement officer I could the Sheriff is now involved.

Chickenzoo how are the lil monsters?!
You can't worm a horse at a scale of a 1 they will die. He needs slow refeeding and time and then he will get very small does of Ivermecton and then Strongids. WHen their systems are this week the worms dying cause a blockage and death. ITs a mess! I feed him and it feeds the parasite. He will make it though he HAS too!

My thoughts and prayers are with the little guy. Rehabbing cases that bad is time consuming, expensive and sometimes heartbreaking. I wish you all the best.
I would contact a reporter looking for a good story and tell them about the lack of help for these animals. There is no excuse for what happened there.
Bless your heart!

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