bag of feed got damp - what to do?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
i bought a new bag of chick starter (my new babies arrive tomorrow!) and had it in the back of my truck overnight. The bag had some frozen condensation on it and I'm concerned that the feed got wet. I know moisture can lead to mold. Is there some way I can dry it out? Can I put the feed in the oven without ruining the nutritional value?

I keep feed in plastic tubs so moisture could compound into trouble.

Thanks for any advice.
Yikes--bad luck there
. Personally, I would toss it out and get new as it wouldn't be worth the possibility or making the chicks sick. You could open the bag and see if the moisture went all the way through if you want but I'd be very certain the feed itself did not get wet before it came anywhere near a chick.
What chickerdoodle said.

You could try to dry it out, but is it worth the trouble for $15.

The other option is if you have a large freezer you could freeze it and pull daily.

^What they said. If it's not being frozen, I would not use it if I thought it had gotten wet. It's just not worth taking the chance of mold potentially killing all your chickens and ruining your investment.
pitch it out... It can kill... no question here.... You could save a couple buck trying to use it and end up losing the chickies.... Your choice
Get a few redworms in a tub and feed the redworms
the wet feed so you are still making feed for the chicks later.

I've taken freshly wet fed that got damp the night
before (before becoming moldy) and made it into a bread to
give as treats to the flock. That way it was saved and could
be frozen in the deep freezer.
I would hate to throw it out. I would try to find a use such as Kung Foo Chicken suggested.

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