bag of feed got damp - what to do?

ok your choice but if it was me tosee it away. dont feed your new chicks wet feed it may cause them to get sick and then you would have to start over. (one chick 2.50, one bag of feed 10.00 bucks, watching your chicks grow priceless.)
My two brothers had pigeons and I was told not to store feed in a plastic can or container. To only use the galvenized trash cans. They were both members of the Syracuse pigeon club. One was President, God rest his soul. I wouldn't store my feed anyother way.
As for the bag that got damp, I wouldn't take the risk w/ chicks.

I might dry it out in the oven and then feed it to my older birds mixed with their feed.
Getting kind of late in the game now, but what I have done in a similar situation is as soon as possible, lay the bag on a workbench, kitchen table etc. split the bag, rebag all dry feed. You can immediately feed the moist feed (this was laying mash in my case) or freeze some if it too much for them clean up pretty quick. Makes me wonder if you had room in a chest you could drop the intact bag in, let it set up and then pick out the clumps. Rebag the loose, thaw small amounts that they could clean up before it can sour. Probably not worth the trouble.
Wasn't there a tread kind of like this where the op didn't know her food had gotten wet and it became moldy and all her chicks DID indeed die? Am I remembering right? I can't find it but I know I read it someplace.

I sure wouldn't take that chance.
Well... i would wet down the rest of it... and put it in freezer baggies and freeze it. That way it wont go bad and mold.. and you can thaw out the feed when you need it. you can mix it with some warm oatmeal or scrambled eggs for them as a treat every so often..... or anything really...

also..yes, if you DONT freeze it RIGHT AWAY..PLEASE throw it away...because they CAN get VERY VERY sick and die from moldy feed. so if you dont want to waste it... freeze it.
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Mold aint gonna just grow overnight . . . if it does, there was already mold spores there

If it were me, Ida used as much as I could as quickly as I could, and save what I could.

Did the OP ever even open the bag to find out if ANY of it got wet?
THAT woulda been the FIRST step, not posting here . . .
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If it were just not particularly heavy dew or frost I'd set the bag in the bright sunshine for the day and let the sun burn it off. Turn the bag so that it's evenly exposed. The feed will not have absorbed enough moisture to be a problem.

A heavy dew or any significant amount of rain I'd probably use it for fertilizer (good stuff in fact) unless I just had to use it. In that case I'd remove it from the bag and spread it out in the sun to dry. Stir it frequently until it is done.

I think I would open the bag up first to see if it's clumped together, or damp. If it's just on the bag I would just place it in another container with a fan on it for a day or two for good measure inside the bag should be finefeed bags normally are thick.

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