Bald Butts? - MITES/LICE?


10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
Some of my hens have lost feathers on their bums. Why? What can I do? Are they okay? They aren't acting weird or anything...The feathers that ARE there are a bit poopy too...
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I have also noticed that one of my hens seems to be a bit bald on the hind end. But everything seems normal - eating, drinking, activity, egg production. So I will be watching to see if anyone replies.
Are they molting? why do chickens molt anyways? They pick at it a bit...maybe I just need to clean their bums off.
can I just spread DE around, or do I need to do something else too? I don't want my chickies to have lice!
I just got some DE. I'd like to know if it works as well as it claims. Does anyone use it? I also have hens with bare butts...

Though it ended up turning into something nasty.
Watching to see if new ones do the same thing.

just read something suggesting sevin? so should I treat with that and then use DE for prevention? could I just use DE and not worry about the sevin? Where do you get this stuff - IFA? How much should I get for 12 birds?
First off, you have to determine if lice/mites are present. To do this, pick a couple birds off the roost tonight and check under their tail and around their vent with a good flashlight. If you see any minute little bugs scurrying for cover, you`ve got them.

To treat them as radically as you can without affecting egg eddibility, get some Adams flea and tick dip. Mix it up as directed in a 5 gallon bucket, and proceed to dip EVERY bird on the place. Do it on a warm morning so they have a warm day to dry.

Clean out the litter from the coop and dust heavily with sevin dust. Don`t forget the nests. Replce with clean litter. If showering with hot water and soap, includiing a good shampoo doesn`t make you feel like they are all off of you, do it again.

Like I said, you can eat the eggs and this treatment will get the new ones as they hatch. In fact, you can still smell it for at least a month, but it`s not offensive. Good luck.......Pop

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