Bantam chick maturing vs standard


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Hello chicken experts!
This is my first time raising bantams. My question is: do they mature at a faster rate than standards? My flock is just 8 weeks old and already I have "crowers" which I am sure are cockerels. I am fairly certain my previous standards never announced their male identity until much older. Am I just remembering incorrectly or do bantams grow up sooner? If so, will the pullets be laying before the usual 6 months or so? Thanks for any help on this.
I think it just depends on the breed. Silkies are small and it seems like it takes forever to know which are the males and which are the females.

That said, I work with seramas primarily, which are the world's smallest bantams. They can start crowing (and showing a red comb) as early as 2-3 weeks old. The females start laying in the 4-6 mo age range.
OK! I have Ameraucana, Cochin and 5 of unknown breed. I am hoping as the 5 get their adult feathers in I will know what they are. It is the Ameraucana that is trying to crow, and one of the unknowns.
Sure! The white one in the middle. I am still guessing as to what breed the whites are.
All are 8 weeks old. Believe the one on left in back is cochin. The other is Ameraucana, right?

Your white ones have coloring like a light Brahma or Columbian Cochin. Other breeds also sport that pattern of course but I never looked to see if they come in bantam.

Your black Cochin if in the pic behind the plant is not black but rather birchin..... Although a pic of this bird in the light could reveal penciling and other features. Could even be a bantam dark Brahma.

I do see at least 2 boys in there.
Thanks! I think I have to wait a bit yet to determine breed. I ordered 6 Ameraucana and 6 hatchery choice but only got 11 birds which is why I am puzzling over which is who!!! I know Ameraucana come in different colorings and have a gray bird I am thinking might be one. The one I think is cochin is the only feather legged one, so it could be a Brahma; the whites are clean legged. Fun to puzzle over--I am glad my suspicions about the two "maybe" boys are supported by someone else!

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