Bantam chick with eye abnormality


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2022

I have a 10-week-old barred rock bantam chick that has had a watery eye for at least 2 weeks. It seems to be eating and drinking okay, and the other eye is fine. It started out with some little bubbles on the inner lid and now it looks like some of the inside tissue of the eye is slightly protruding outward. I was treating it with topical terramycin, 2 times daily for 5 days but it didn't really seem to improve. No changes in stools or appetite. No foreign objects or signs of infections upon inspection of the inner lid. No visual impairment. I have posted comparative photos of the abnormal v. normal eye below for reference.

Should I try another course of ophthalmic medication or something oral? I have no vet available to help me with this, so any guidance would be much appreciated!


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So there are still tiny bubbles, but I have an older chick (13 weeks) displaying upper respiratory symptoms such as nasal discharge and a severely swollen eye on the left side. I originally thought maybe Coryza, but I was reading on some other forums that the mucosa discharge normally has an unpleasant smell. I didn't notice any bad smell but I did expel a few drops of mucus from her nasal passages by lightly applying pressure to push it out. She is still eating and drinking okay. Her eye is sunken though, and I DO NOT see any white fatty deposits or anything. I was reading that erythromycin and oxytetracyclins are an effective treatment for acute coryza (I understand she will always be a carrier), but I don't plan on breeding or selling eggs-so I refuse to cull her. I have isolated her for now and am closely watching the others she was around. I have some LA-200 that I can administer, but am hesitant because I have never done it before.

Any recommendations?

Thanks for checking back in! Great chicken community here.
So there are still tiny bubbles, but I have an older chick (13 weeks) displaying upper respiratory symptoms such as nasal discharge and a severely swollen eye on the left side. I originally thought maybe Coryza, but I was reading on some other forums that the mucosa discharge normally has an unpleasant smell. I didn't notice any bad smell but I did expel a few drops of mucus from her nasal passages by lightly applying pressure to push it out. She is still eating and drinking okay. Her eye is sunken though, and I DO NOT see any white fatty deposits or anything. I was reading that erythromycin and oxytetracyclins are an effective treatment for acute coryza (I understand she will always be a carrier), but I don't plan on breeding or selling eggs-so I refuse to cull her. I have isolated her for now and am closely watching the others she was around. I have some LA-200 that I can administer, but am hesitant because I have never done it before.

Any recommendations?

Thanks for checking back in! Great chicken community here.
There is something respiratory going on in your flock. I'll tag some more knowledgeable people. @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive

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