Bantam Cochin thread

I see you live in italy/slovenia. I lived in trieste till 2009 for a few years.
Oh wow! That's awesome!
I think the city it's a bit chaotic (and it's still considered a small one, I can't imagine a big city like Rome or London or New York:eek:)But when you get out, in the towns of the countryside with all the woods and fields around them... That's the places I love🥰
Oh wow! That's awesome!
I think the city it's a bit chaotic (and it's still considered a small one, I can't imagine a big city like Rome or London or New York:eek:)But when you get out, in the towns of the countryside with all the woods and fields around them... That's the places I love🥰

you are absolutely right. I lived in london, rome and athens as well. never again. I am stuck on an island near athens but hope to move soon to my new place in the country. I have to sell my house first and I am waiting for the prices to rise. everything is more expensive than before covid horror so I cannot remain without house and without enough money to finish my new house and build chicken coops and a few other things.
Here’s my lazy girl Basil! She’s definitely a favorite in my little flock <3

here she is with her friend!

Fluff butt!
I present to thee, CrazyCochin's, well, crazy bantam Cochins!
Holly, Bootsie's mother, and currently broody. (Feel free to ask about who Bootsie is if you don't already know! 😉 )

Hylia, (named after the white goddess in Legend of Zelda), also broody!

And Red, the head of the Bantam Cochin flock, with all his girls!


(Yes, he does have a white foot feather, as seen in the next photo) IMG_4673.JPG
I don't know why, either! I guess I kind of lost track of it for a bit there!

Anyway, here's my newest little bantam Cochin, a silkied Black who hatched on Easter weekend out of eggs from my own flock ❤️

Cochin baby.jpg
Cochin baby close up.jpg

I'm planning to set some more from my flocks to test fertility once this little one is a bit older and can safely move outside to the coop before the new chicks would hatch. :fl

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