Bantam Coop

I am placing a roost in front of the window so they can look out and I havent decided on placement of the second one yet.

I designed this myself as I went along but I was definitely inspired by the coops I have seen here, especially the Cottage coop in the small coop section of BYC. I should finish it this weekend. I put up some updated pics
I love this! This is similar to the one I'm planning to build.

I notice you said you were going to put newspaper down on the bottom and DL it...I like this idea. Would the chickens scratch such that the newspaper would break apart and fall through the holes of the wire?? I love this little house! Good job!
I laid the paper and bedding, the chicks have been trying it out. I found that if there are too many layers of newspapers at different sizes they can claw it up easier. If its bigger but cut to size or folded down it works out nicely. It is now in my backyard.

I did notice that now that it is outside the doors are a little harder to open, probably due to expansion of the wood. I had to do some more sanding. The chicks look so funny peering out of the window. I will add more pictures tonight.
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Here are some updated pictures.

View of my backyard. My doghouse/ vegetable garden and pug in bottom left corner


and closer

Here is the inside with a couple of roosts
I love this! I also put my "mini-coop" in my garden, so it was important to me for it to be functional AND nice to look at. Great job! I can't wait to see pics of your chicks in it

my coop:

You did a wonderful job! It looks perfect in your yard. I am sure you have some happy chooks! I especially love that door!
Did you enter the coop contest? If not, be sure to enter the next one! Have fun!

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