Bantam outcast??


Jan 15, 2019
SE, Michigan
I have 8 hens, all raised together from day old, who are now about 5 1/2 months old. 7 of the hens are standard sized chickens, various types, and I have one bantam silkie hen who seems to be the outcast. Was just wondering if anyone has had this experience. There are no issues at all, no aggression, she doesn't get picked on.. she mostly just wanders around by herself throughout the day. So I was wondering strictly out of curiosity if that's normal for standard and bantam chickens to kind of separate somewhat??
It may be more of a temperament issue than size, although size may be playing a role, too. Silkies are mild mannered and not very assertive. This behavior may seem more pronounced in comparison since your other birds are more assertive.

As long as she's not being bullied away from food and water, she'll be fine. A chicken doesn't need to be in the center of the action in order to feel comfort and security from being part of the flock.
It may be more of a temperament issue than size, although size may be playing a role, too. Silkies are mild mannered and not very assertive. This behavior may seem more pronounced in comparison since your other birds are more assertive.

As long as she's not being bullied away from food and water, she'll be fine. A chicken doesn't need to be in the center of the action in order to feel comfort and security from being part of the flock.
Thank you! I am not worried about her whatsoever, she's fine and she's been fine I pretty much was just wondering for myself since I'm a chicken newbie haha :) - but temperament makes sense too she's extremely docile. Thanks again!!

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