Bantam rooster's legs look weird


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2021
This rooster was diagnosed with Marek's and was immobile for a week, his left leg can bend normally, but his right seems ... twisted?
He was given steroids, but it didn't help.
I just hope it isn't Marek's and he can be healed.
I don't know what the problem is, I just want to see him walk again.


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Can he walk? Does he move his toes or curl them under? Does he put weight on the leg or hold it up? There is a leg bone deformity called twisted tibia, and also tibial dyschondroplasia which causes a twisting of the bone. Neither condition is treatable though. I hope that it is not Mareks, but it can be a common disease.
Can he walk? Does he move his toes or curl them under? Does he put weight on the leg or hold it up? There is a leg bone deformity called twisted tibia, and also tibial dyschondroplasia which causes a twisting of the bone. Neither condition is treatable though. I hope that it is not Mareks, but it can be a common disease.
No, he cannot walk, he isn't even trying.
We just found him collapsed on the ground one day. He seems to be able to curl his toes to some degree.

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