Bantam Thread!!!!

I also need tips for showing in a county fair, like bathing, training, and the best breed.
You should be able to ask the people selling at the fair if their birds are show quality and hopefully they will be honest to you about their showability. You want to get a chicken that you love, it sounds like you are off to a great start. Just do some further research to find out which one best suits you.
I heard of people using Dawn on their birds to give them bathes it is supposed to be safe for them(they use it on seals and seagulls when they have oil on them) People usually bathe them before they are showing and keep them in an area where they will not get filthy again. Training I guess you mean so that they are friendly, just handle your birds regurlarly and give them treats and they will LOVE you. The best breed, hmmm I guess that could depend on the judge each judge has their own way of deciding which is best.
A show quality hen can go any where from $20 to $100 depending on what breed you are choosing, who you are getting them from and so on. They can be very pricey. This is just what I have seen them go for.
I would not recommend it, chickens are very social animals and should have at least one more chicken to live with, you would not have to have another show quality chicken with her, just get one that is small and friendly also
If price is what you are worried about.

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