Bantams, how many do you have and why?

I have 14 bantams. Why? They're smaller and you can have 2 for every 1 standard chicken (my thinking anyway)
Their eggs are smaller but just as good and make the cutest deviled eggs ever
I have 2 of them, They;re in a rabbit tractor that has 16 sqft, a lf hen would be unhappy in there, but 2 jp banties fit with room left over. With a city yard, there's not alot of room for a coop and run, so they fit better.
My entire flock consists of banties! love love love 'em! Their smaller size means they fit into backyards somewhat better. They are the best foragers, setters, mothers and great layers!

Oh, and personality plus! Can you tell I love them?!
Yes, they lay smaller eggs, but just plan to add an extra 1 for every 2 the recipe calls for. Banty eggs are the perfect size for toddlers and little old ladies... They also make great hors d' oeuvres.
I have a perfect little flock of bantam cochins, One white rooster, one white hen, and two black ones with poofy heads, I do so love them! I keep my major meat and egg birds in a large coop fenced off except for a few hours in the evening, but the little bantam cochins get free run of the yard with my free range rabbits. They all hang out together like family.
They are definitely cuties, dont know if I will have a need for all 22 lol but they are cute for sure. My 17 other chickens and 2 turkeys will probably get a kick out of them lol
I agree with most everything said. I wanted smaller because less food = less poop and I figured they would be easier to handle and somewhat quieter. And if anyone complains I have the excuse of but they are so tiny...they one really is the equivalent of three...
I have two Araucanas (and let me tell you...they ARE better than tv...) and have 7 day olds arriving Wednesday. I am trying really hard to decide whether I should keep them all or not...I was planning on rehoming the D'anver, because I heard that the eggs were super tiny...(only because I am trying really hard not to let the chicken math get me and I still want a Polish and a RIR and a couple of Seramas and maybe a....but maybe not...Does anyone have D' are the eggs. For you that have them, how many do you have and how many eggs do you get on average...?
Well its been a couple weeks, just wanted to post some picture updates. I actually ended up getting rid of all but 7 of the banties, I hand picked which ones I wanted to keep and sold the rest so I can focus on just a handful of them vs more than 20 lol. I ended up getting rid of most of the plain black chicks and three easter egger roos, now I have all colorful ones, I kept the orange roo in the first pic as well as the brown lil one, I actually have two of the brown ones. I also kept the silver and black one and the white and black one pictured. I will try to get a new group pic so you guys can see the ones I am keeping. I just sold the others yesterday and its already easier to deal with them because I have several less mouths to feed and they dont have to fight for every drink or bite to eat with someone bigger than them lol





I have three silkies- one white, one grey splash and one brown. I also have one aracauna. I also have two easter eggers.I love them all. I also have 10 full size hens.

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