Bantams - Straight run from feed store


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 8, 2012
Charleston, MO
I have no idea what breed of bantam these two are. They are about three months old.

The grey one, Jess, is such a pretty color. Her head has some darker grey markings, but barely. Her legs are grey, too.

The black one is named Bam. I thought it was a roo, but now I'm not sure. He/she has a pretty green iridescence. He/she was the runt.

Here are both of them:

Any idea what breeds they are? I can't remember but I think they were from ideal poultry in TX, and from a mixed OEG batch? Can't remember, ARG!
Pretty sure the grey one is female, less sure about the black one. Help?! Thanks!!
Jess definitely looks like a girl. Pretty one

Bam looks like a rooster to me... but it's sort of hard to tell. Almost reminds me of one of my leghorn pullets.
Not sure about the breed but the black one looks roo to me. If you look there seems to be the start of pointed saddle feathers, and large comb and wattles.
Thank you everyone! You were all very helpful. Jess is my sweetest, and Bam is a little more stand-offish. I'll post more pics when they get full grown!

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