Bantum Cochins? Brahmas? Gender?

I bought 3 new babies about 3 weeks ago. The associate that was working at the time said they were just assorted pullets. A few days later I found out from a different associate that they are assorted Bantum Straight Runs. I tried to get good pics, but these little boogers are FAST and always on the go! Anyone want to take some guesses as to Breed, Type and Sex? The first little one is much larger than the other two. Much more alert to its surroundings and enjoys bumping chests with my Ideal 236 chick (which I’m pretty sure is a roo.) The second one is very calm and fluffy, but playful and very sweet. The last one is SO tiny! The smallest one of the three. It is also pretty calm, but will play with all the others. It’s not big on being picked up though. And yes, it IS chillin on top of a roll of toilet paper! 😂 I lay burlap out on the floor and take them out for a few minutes of play time everyday, but I clean up after them, so they don’t step in it. (Spoiled already!) Anyone wanna chime in on what these babies are?
Boy Girl Girl.

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