Bantys - picking up some hens and mama with 5 youngins (3 months)


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Nothing fancy (no polish or silkies). We met them this afternoon and they are healthy little cuties. We have two banty EE's, how many kinds are there? The babies all look different from each other. The farm said they were just bantys, no particular breed. Is this like cats and dogs - domestic bantys? Either way, they fit better in our 1/2 acre than the full-sized girls.
Post some pictures of them. I just love looking at pics of chicks!
I could maybe also tell you what breed they are.
Great. Just getting their accomadations ready now. Picking them up in 2 hours.... I noticed that one has a longer underbeak- little extra piece that comes abou 1/4 inch further. If I clip it, he may be able to use his beak better. What would anyone use? Dog nail clippers?

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