Bare bottomed hens with red skin?

I was having this issue last year. My hens all grew their feathers back. The one that was the worst is beautiful now, and so plump and healthy. I started giving them game bird feed - I mixed it in their feed so that 1/4 of their feed was the higher protein game bird feed. Within a few weeks the bare spots filled in nicely; then I went back to their laying feed. My hens at the time were about 1 year old and I have noticed that they seemed to grow out of the feather plucking obsession. They do not bother each other as much, except for an occasional grump fest over their favorite nest box
We have 7 RIR's in an 8x8 coop (half indoor, half covered outdoor). Our chicken butts look just like those pictured. During spring and summer the hens free range. We've dusted, checked for mites, cleaned the coop often etc.

Not sure what the root cause is.

I have the same problem with one of my RR. I do not seeing any of the other three girls picking on her although she is last on the "pecking order". All the other girls are full feathered after the molt. I give them all the stuff the others have listed. They get out twice a day and have a nice shaded run during the day. I feed organic lay pellets, ACV in their water and DE in their dust pan. Have never seen mites or anything else, whatever it is has not effected the other girls.
Your pictores are just like my birds. 6 of my 15 have this problem. some are bright red. did you find a cure? Mites? bullying? I cant find the answer.
Your pictores are just like my birds. 6 of my 15 have this problem. some are bright red. did you find a cure? Mites? bullying? I cant find the answer.
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The original poster has not been on in years (2014) so likely will not respond.

Please post some photos of your birds, housing, tell us if you have a rooster, what you feed, etc.

The OP's photos, it looks like to me a combo of feather picking and possibly rooster damage.

If you inspect your birds at night with a flashlight, you will be more apt to see mites if they are an issue as well.

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