barely holds his head up


6 Years
Sep 17, 2013
Asking for some help. I am a new duck rescuer and am learning by trial and error. We had four ducks which I believe were two runners and two peking but I'm not positive. One of the runners got ill the other day and we thought it was trampled by a goat and we lost him. I have another one this morning that is acting sick meaning it is barely able to keep it's head up and you can see it struggling to keep it's eyes open. I do not see any discharge in the eyes or nose. The ducks free range during the day in an area with chickens and goats. Any ideas? I admit I am a novice with the ducks
Asking for some help. I am a new duck rescuer and am learning by trial and error. We had four ducks which I believe were two runners and two peking but I'm not positive. One of the runners got ill the other day and we thought it was trampled by a goat and we lost him. I have another one this morning that is acting sick meaning it is barely able to keep it's head up and you can see it struggling to keep it's eyes open. I do not see any discharge in the eyes or nose. The ducks free range during the day in an area with chickens and goats. Any ideas? I admit I am a novice with the ducks

Thinking this duck and the other one may have gotten into something toxic, limber neck is a symptom, could be tainted water and poisonous plant dead animal numerous things
, very import to treat ASAP, do you have activated charcoal? it can be found at walmart where they keep the antacids and a most pharmacies, Here is a link on how much to give and what to do. But you need to try and find out what they have gotten into and bring this sick one inside so you can treat. I would put the rest up in a secure pen etc until you have located what the source is. Please keep us updated..
more info..
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Thank you Lydia, we had just run out to get charcoal thinking the same thing based on what I had seen on some other posts. We think it may have been some aluminum paint drops from painting the barn roof. We thought we had it all cleaned but found an area near the water that they may have gotten into. He already seems a bit improved with the charcoal in so now it is a wait and see. I saw some other posts about Epson salts, can you tell me when I would use that?
Thank you Lydia, we had just run out to get charcoal thinking the same thing based on what I had seen on some other posts. We think it may have been some aluminum paint drops from painting the barn roof. We thought we had it all cleaned but found an area near the water that they may have gotten into. He already seems a bit improved with the charcoal in so now it is a wait and see. I saw some other posts about Epson salts, can you tell me when I would use that?

It's just another way to rid the body of toxins but I have read that doing charcoal first to see if that bring them around. If your already seeing improvement then I'd hold off on the ES flush. if you can get a probiotic and poultry vitamins and add to drinking water . There are some that have both in powder form that will also help, Good deal finding out the problem so fast getting the duck treated..
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I wish I had known it when we lost the other one but as with everything on the farm there is a learning curve I guess, happens every time I adopt another type of critter but it it looks like this will be an awesome site for my chicken and duck challenges. Thanks for the advice
I wish I had known it when we lost the other one but as with everything on the farm there is a learning curve I guess, happens every time I adopt another type of critter but it it looks like this will be an awesome site for my chicken and duck challenges. Thanks for the advice
I know it's very heart breaking to lose them, but like you say it's a learning curve. Even though hard to take, and sorry you came in under such unhappy reasons but we're also glad to have you. Please keep us updated on how your duck is doing.
Sorry for your losses
. And,

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