Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

And that is what you should do! Have chickens for your own needs! I am glad that the Barnevelders are working for you - how neat that you picked a breed that is special in so many ways too!

I have had chickens for years, but only recently got interested in Barnies. I have alot to learn.

What I have learned from this forum is that many people get very passionate about their breeds of interest - and about what makes their favorite breeds special! Thats how come you get grilled about the egg color and where you got them, and why folks wanna see pictures! It took me a while to figure out how to post a pic, and I still find it a pain. Two different processes depending on where you are putting a picture. I put my picture on Photobucket (that makes it smaller) then copy the "img" line there, then paste it in this text box. Wallah!

So Barnies are special because they are older, pretty birds, with a nice feather pattern that is a work in progress, and they lay a dark egg. On top of that, as you say - they have a fantastic personality. I only have a chick. I am waiting to see that personality develop!

Take care, Tina
Could you post of us some pics of the eggs or send me an email with pics? I'd like to see the color and size.

Also, does PetChicken have their own Barnies or are they buying eggs from someone else? Were you able to see the birds that the eggs came from? If so, can you get us pics of those? I'd like to see their conformation, headshape, lacing quality, etc.

God Bless,

I'm pretty sure they get all their birds and eggs from outside sources.
As big as my roos are they are very gentle fellas. I can catch them up and pet them though they aren't happy about it. I look them over real well often enough to keep them respecting and tolerating me. They have never tried any funny business even when I pick up one of their squawking hens.
The chicks aren't as friendly as other birds to start with but once they realize you are the food person they get under your feet too much. At least they aren't as flighty as my Welsummers.

We have been hatching out plenty of Barnie eggs and I have really enjoyed raising these little boogers.
I have 2 barnevelder pullets that are now laying. They're not as friendly as my BRs, EEs, BSLs, and RIR, but are gentle & calm chickens that mind their own business. They get along well with the new pullets we introduced to our flock, whereas the BRs & RIR hens are the bullies to the newcomers.
does anybody sell Barnevelder chicks!? I'm looking for day olds up to 6 weekers! please PM me if you have any for sale.. thnaks amy
i am really interested in breeding this breed and i wana buy some eggs from somone who concentrates on getting very dark brown eggs plz give me lots of info on your facility and advice on breeding any help would be nice
A friend gifted me with 5 chicks from SQ stock back in October. They are now 3 months old, so should start laying in the spring. He told me the eggs are not that dark since the birds have been bred more for color and form, but I will post pics when they start laying, if anyone is interested.

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