Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Thanks Andy,
He is quite a big boy. Not too tall, but oh my is he wide. I really like the Johan/ vB crosses when they get the best of both lines. The Johan line also seems to help get rid of the extra tail fluff. Good luck with your blue project:) I heard some are trying outcrosses to Marans and Orps instead of BLR dottes. Are you also working on silver laced? I heard a good breed to use as an outcross for the silver is the silver pencilled rocks.

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your assessment is correct. I see no restriction on him(on males is easier to detect heterozygous Columbian as it shows in the breast even if the rest of the body looks unrestricted)

here is a restricted roo(heterozygous for Columbian)

good luck with your progect and I believe you did the correct thing and eliminated the aggressive rooster.
Beautifull birds, where are these aval???

Thanks:) Here in the USA they are just in the "project" stage. They do have really nice Blue-laced barnevelders overseas though. I hope to have some hatching eggs available by next year if all goes well.

Are you being serious about some folks crossing a Marans to a Barnevelder? No offense to anyone who is, but WOW, what a genetic mess. Are they doing it only in hopes of darkening egg color? I'm just floored by that....completely the wrong bird to cross a Barnie to.

Hi Andy! Good to see you popping in! SOOOOOOO glad that you are working on the Blue Laced Barnies as well! AWESOME! Trisha in California, You in Oregon and me in Washington....oh heck lets just populate the West Coast with Barnies and Blue Laced Barnies!!!!!!!

Beware....Barnies are extremely addictive!

hes lovely isnt he !

i got him with two other breeds one SL wyandottle and a buff Orpington !

saldy all are males , zelda has stayed ashe is the quietist ( im trying not to upset the neighbours with a cockadoodle doo !)
lets see how long it lasts
Is it normal for a Roo to pull feathers out of hens? All of the sudden (just this week) both of my Roos, who have been so sweet until now, have just decided to take beak full of feathers out of the hens. They are not picking on just one in particular, just whichever is nearest to them at the time and they do a odd little dance first, looks almost like ants are biting their legs. They are 27 weeks old.

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