Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Awww Trisha Congrats!

LuvsBlueberries.........yes, the Brinsea Spot Check is a fantastic thermometer for incubating.
I have a Sportsman just like Tailfeathers and like he did I purchased it used with all new replaced parts and it works like a charm, I love it!

No I have never filled it up.
Ok...I just hate my camera LOL. But here are two at least not too blurry pics of the "splash" barnie. At least I hope he's splash, the only other thing could be recessive white?? But I'm pretty sure he's splash because of the faint chimpmunk stripes down his back:)


Hi Trish, long time no talk to but good to see you.

Would I be safe in assuming the "splash" came from your BL Barnie project? It'll be interesting to see what it turns out like.

I trust you and yours - and everyone on here - had a safe and happy New Year's celebration. Here's wishing the best to all in the coming year.

God Bless,
Well, I so far I have 33 chicks from the blue project hatched with 3 eggs left. Hopefully I get at least 50% blue chicks:) I candled the remaining eggs and 3 had bobbing heads. One of the four eggs I removed had a fully formed dead splash chick in it
Judging by the look of it, the poor thing tore it's yolk sack and died. Two others pipped internally wrong and bled out inside the shell.
the remaining 3 eggs hatch, but no hopes of a second splash chick.

The splash chick keeps getting cuter:) It's going to be hard to keep my kids' hands off the cute little fluff ball. They only want to hold the "white" chick.

That's funny Trisha. My son really likes the splash chicks as well. We had a splash olive egger, but unfortunately it turned into a rooster, so we couldn't keep him.

Good luck with your progress, I love seeing the updates.

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