Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Rachel, are you talking about a barred rock roo? That is all I'd ever had and all the roos were aggressive. No thank you on the flogging roos. My Barnies have never showed any kind of aggression. Main reason why I picked Barnevelders, besides they are beautiful. ;-)
Hey ladies, thanks for the advice on the chicks.
I don't really have a way of keeping them seperated. No over pen net. The guineas can fly good. I just dont know what to do. Will it "mess" her up if i take them from her. Should i not even consider it. She is only setting on 2.
Oh man :/
Royce~ I would love to see some of your RC project Barnies when you have the chance. I think Trisha is spot on about the RC catching on with some folks in the cold cold northern climates. Good on you for taking on such a project and many well wishes for continued success on them.

Thanks Kim. If the sun ever comes back out, I'll try to get a picture of her and post it on here. That is if I can remember how to work the new camera. This new Canon 7D has more bells and whistles on it that you can imagine and I'm just making the transition over to digital. But I'll try.

The one daughter actually looks like a Barnie but her RC isn't quite right.

Btw, nice egg!

God Bless,
Jen F,
First best of luck with your broody. Nope the big full grown Barnie guy in my pic (Frog is his name) is the one attacking my daughter. He has left everyone else alone, however, last night when my son went to close up the pen (his nightly "chore”), Frog ran out from the “hen house” and flew at my son. My son held his ground but Frog did not back down until my hubby got there. So looks like it is time for him to go!

The Barred Rock Roo is actually a Barnie Barred Cross, he is really pretty mellow, of course he is only 5 weeks old.
It's not worth it to keep an aggressive roo when you have kids. It can take awhile to find a good one, but don't risk your daughter. The roos also can start out nice when younger...then turn mean as they mature (sometimes overnight). But so far both of my roos are still being good to my kids even though they are in full breeding mode. My kids can feed, gather eggs, or even help clean the coop without the roos bothering them.

I looked up barred x barnie crosses and I guess your 3 cross girls are just heterozygous Pg/pg. But in the pic it sure looks like there's still some double lacing showing on the shoulders of the pullet in the middle.

Is there a website, that breaks down stuff like heterozygous Pg/pg and Wild E+ into laymans terms? I keep hearing those therms but don't have a clue what they mean other than I know the Barnie has the Wild E and breeding to the Barred is what creates the "Sex-Linked" babies.
Very cool! Thanks Trish! I am not quite sure how to use it, but will read what all the codes mean and maybe it will make sense soon
I am interested in raising Barnvelders. I would like to be part of the group dedicated to improving the breed. Is there a club for Barnvelder breeders? Do you have any eggs for sale? Thanks. Aya

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