Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

My wife has shown dogs for 25 years. It is a whole different world......a world that I don't want any part of. Here in the States there is nothing on the cage telling the judge who owns the chicken. Exhibitors are not allowed in the area when judges are judging.

The Ko Shamo's are indeed a bantam and a bantam with a ton of personality. I used that breed as an example as, the breeders are doing a fantastic job promoting them.....and they are getting great feedback from judges even though part of the description of the bird is calling for a trait that is a DQ in any other breed.


Hi Walt - I having shown dogs in the past - I too, no longer want anything further to do with it. It is not a pleasant environment ( for the most part ) ... for either dog or handler. Also have shown cats - something else I will never again do. Cats however are like the poultry - displayed in large cages - nothing on the cage to say who owns them - and the owners are turfed out for approx. 7 hours + while judges do their judging. I could tell some hair-raising stories of what lengths an owner will go to win ribbons - with little to no respect for the animals they are showing. These are usually breeders who depend on show ribbons and accolades to increase their chances of making money - it's often all about money. Judges don't buy into that, except when an animal is obviously ill - and it is removed ( on a vet's advice ).

However, as this is NOT a dog / cat / horse site, I will drop the subject now. I would imagine that poultry being shown might attract some undesirable show people - ( for the same reason - money - future sale of chickens, fertile eggs etc. ) ... but probably far far less than with domestic show animals. I sure hope so, both here and in the U.S. As Dr. Netland said - people are people ... and "total objectivity is not possible" ...

The improvement of any breed of anything is paramount IMO, especially to eliminate traits that compromise the health and well being of the on-going breed. Colouring etc. is IMO less important, until, to the best of a breeders knowledge ( with the help of specialty Vets ), they have the healthiest, strongest and most resilient bird / animal. And that's a constant challenge.

This thread has been very interesting - if at times somewhat contentious. I will bow out of it now ... wishing everyone all the best with your Barnies, and whatever other breeds of poultry you are concentrating on.

Cheers ..... AB
I would like to apologize for the disrespect I showed in my previous post. It was unacceptable and I should not have done that.

Trisha has a true passion for Barnevelders, she has most likely read every publication, story, genetic report, post, sentimental story, etc about them. She has been breeding, Barnevelders and nothing else (which is rare), with this passion for over 5 years. She has been helpful, thoughtful and encouraging to anyone that wants to be part of this thread. Her thoughts and opinions deserve respect. Her knowledge should be valued even if one does agree with it, just as it is with more experience breeders/judges, that is not meant as a jab just a fact. This thread is the only avenue to talk about items such as the SOP standard. It should be a safe place to ask questions and challenge anything. Nothing may come of it, but it should be a safe place.

The SOP is not a Bible, I am NOT taking a dig, I know that term is used loosely. It is a guideline that, unlike the Bible, can be changed. It was written by humans, without divine intervention. It should be questioned and when appropriate changed. That is not disrespectful to anyone, just that things changed and new ideas come to life and it can be changed.

The Barnevelder is a stunning multi-purpose breed which is why I fell in love with it in the first place. I would love to see additional educational post by everyone that has a passion for the Barnevelder.

The first sentence says a lot about how big of a person you are Rachael. The rest is very well said too.

Andy, it was pointed out to me where I said on Page 354 that you did not show. I was wrong. For what it's worth it was pretty late and I shouldn't have probably been posting at all. Regardless, I had read previously that you showed a couple of times down there and just didn't remember. My mistake and no excuse for it. Thanks for correcting me.

God Bless,
Wat do you think of my new chick

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