Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Sorry forgot to upload

I agree,

the e+ or eb/e+ pullets can be seen in the USA too(as eb/e+ or e+/e+ males should look identical to eb/eb males when adults, so one sees more e+/eb or e+/e+ females)
Marvin, your very own pic you've posted argues with this point, the male below (to me at least) is clearly wrong just look at that lower hackle and saddle

wildtype based Barnies in England
this is the kind of bird that I have had in my minds eye when I was saying many pages ago, not to focus on the chest colour of the male - look at the other parts too.
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I do see green sheen especially in my darker blue males. The cockerel pictured is the darkest of 3 blues males that I kept from my first hatch this year. I culled all my blue males last year because I ended up with two " standard" Barnevelder males that were superior. One of the males I kept looks to be producing pretty good offspring over all. The oldest offspring are only 12 weeks-old, but I like what I see so far. I will take some pictures of his wings for you. I sprained my ankle really bad yesterday:( I am not sure I can get down to the coop today.


thanks Trisha, no hurry with those pics, hope your ankle mends soon.
good to hear that you have a male that your hapy with his progeny.
but that green sheen blue is really interesting, not using interesting as code for 'bad', but interesting as it shows more querks of the barnevelder genotype

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