Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

We have been breeding the silvers for ten years and have just started last year with the double silver double blue.

If you take a look at the last 2 birds in this article it will show you what they should look like.

absolutely amazing. Thanks for the link. Do you by any chance sell eggs or chicks?
Hi there folks,

Just wanted to let you know we have Silver Double Laced Barnevelders -- STANDARD size, not Bantam! We want to help improve the breed and am glad to find this post. So figured to stop by and say "hi."

Neat! Where abouts in New England and did you create them yourself?
In Massachusetts (WOO HOO PATS!) No we didn't recreate them so you'll see more consistency and stability from a genetics standpoint.

Intriguing :) Where did your stock originate from? I raise some of the silvers in bantam form. They truly are amazing.
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