Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

from Trisha
"I do want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on my birds. I wanted to comment on many of the posts of others birds too and things like Aya's new barnie website too. But, we've been so busy.. I barely have time to look at things here on the BYC on my ipad and I really don't like to post from the ipad. :)"

fro, Aya: The Web Site is almost ready for all of you to check it out. Just a few more corrections. Trisha, I was hoping I could use your handsome Rooster on the cover page. Would that be alright?

My dream is that after we are all listed in the website as breeders, maybe someone would take that info and form a Barnevelders Club, altho the tread is already one, I suspect.

Well, I couldn't wait!
Just too excited for you to comment. Hope it's good but all suggestions gratefully recieved.

I called it unite because I hope that's what we do. I thot we could change it to United after we are? But again, if that is not satisfactory, suggest

The website did not transmit your queries. We just discovered it and the webmaster has repaired that problem. So if you sent a question, will you send it again? It should go thru now. Also I have queries coming in straight from the web page search and the #1 question is "How to I get some Barnie eggs?" So if you would like me to refer you maybe I should have your ph #? or email address? Of course if you were listed on the breeders page I wouldn't need any of that.
Happy hatching!
Aya, I for one don't like my address or phone number posted on the Internet. I prefer just to use my yahoo email or PM through forums like the BYC instead. My DH would be quite upset if I started getting phone calls all the time...all hours of the day LOL. But I guess you could provide a space on you breeder form and make it optional to those who want to. If you have any inquiries that are misdirected maybe you could just forward the to whoever the were ment for.

Like I emailed you, the main thing I see is the roo photo that is being uses with my water mark, but is not my roo or photo. I will send a few of my pics to use and you can use some of yours too.

Regarding crosses, I have had numerous such over the years. The darkest eggs were the result of a Welsummer cock x (German origin) Barnevelder hens, and they were also decent layers. Wish I had kept them going. I once acquired 2 cuckoo (clean legged) Marans hens, one of which laid a dark, dark egg. These 2 hens were a bit large for a bantam, but still acceptable as regards size. My search for a male proved unsuccessful, and I had these two pullets in with a blackbreasted red Easter Egger cockbird, and the one Marans hen that laid the dark eggs disappeared and came back some time later with a brood of chicks, one of which turned out to be a pullet that I kept. She grew into an intermediate size bird and was silver penciled (so much for what one can expect from crosses) and very quiet and easy going. Then the egg color: as blue as blue can be, no olive eggs. She laid a medium size blue egg practically every day for an entire year (lighted run) until she decided to stop for the molt. She never laid another egg after the molt. I always wondered what was behind her stellar performance and what caused her eggs to come out the color they did. Other crosses between Easter Eggers and brown egg laying hens resulted in olive eggs.
I had some really nice Barnie x Lavender ameraucana crosses. Nice lighter olive egg.
Aya, I for one don't like my address or phone number posted on the Internet. I prefer just to use my yahoo email or PM through forums like the BYC instead. My DH would be quite upset if I started getting phone calls all the time...all hours of the day LOL. But I guess you could provide a space on you breeder form and make it optional to those who want to. If you have any inquiries that are misdirected maybe you could just forward the to whoever the were ment for.

Like I emailed you, the main thing I see is the roo photo that is being uses with my water mark, but is not my roo or photo. I will send a few of my pics to use and you can use some of yours too.

yeah careful there
The info you put on your personal page is up to you. On the breeders page it is also up to you which way you want to be contacted. The one that is on there now under my info is just an example. You tell me what you want and that is what you get.
Sorry about the Roo. Will fix that pronto. Thanks for checking

I would love to see us all listed on the breeders page. How much easier for someone searching for eggs in N. Carolina (for example) to find a breeder around that area.

P.S. Spring is here! So happy to see it after that cold winter. Froggies are all singing, eggs are hatching, fruit trees are blooming, and the grass is still green!
The info you put on your personal page is up to you. On the breeders page it is also up to you which way you want to be contacted. The one that is on there now under my info is just an example. You tell me what you want and that is what you get.
Sorry about the Roo. Will fix that pronto. Thanks for checking

I would love to see us all listed on the breeders page. How much easier for someone searching for eggs in N. Carolina (for example) to find a breeder around that area.

P.S. Spring is here! So happy to see it after that cold winter. Froggies are all singing, eggs are hatching, fruit trees are blooming, and the grass is still green!
I think your website is very nice! But I'd feel presumptuous calling myself a breeder. I have traded eggs and I guess I could sell people eggs or chicks as long as they know that I didn't create the birds that I have and if they want to go to the source, he's about 3 hours south of me. I don't want to take any business away from him as he is the one who created them. ethical quandry.

I would also love to see a nice history of the breed on there!

My birds also lay a pretty light colored egg. I wish I could get some of Trisha's birds. but Virginia is weird about shipping regulations. you have to be NPIP and AI tested and then you have to fill out special paperwork for shipping into the state. grrrr....

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