barred easter egger?



Deluxe Dozens
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Riverside/Norco, CA
I saw this hen earlier this week and went back to pick up a few marans that the breeder decided to let go of, and I just couldn't leave without this girl. What is she? Her legs are pink with grey shading in her shins and on top of her toes. The soles of her feet are pink.
The breeder said she lays a brown egg, no blue/green gene there. Her muff is JUST TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!! and her barring on her feathers is straight, not V shaped. Any strong opinions what sort of cross she is? I would like a whole pen just like her! What kind of roo would help me get that, or olive eggers out of her, preferably.

Edit to add the photo. I was just too eager to share...

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Wow! She's a beauty!
If you crossed her with a blue or black Ameraucana some of the chicks would be barred --- I think the males would be barred and the females solid.
Then you could cross the barred male back with a solid blue or black Am' and all the chicks should be barred (or cuckoo) and could be green-eggers.

I have some that look similar here.
2 Blacks and 1 blue Cuckoo and got lucky --- all three lay green eggs.



Those were accidental Ameraucana x Barred Rock crosses.
I have the next generation in the brooder --- blue cuckoo Am' x BR roo over blue and black Am' hens:


That was some of the first bunch. I hatched more the 28th and should have another group hatching the 9th.
The headspots *should* mean they will be barred, but those chicks aren't showing any barring yet --- so I just don't know????

I'm so impatient, I want to see now!
Good luck!
are beards or muffs dominant, or are they lethal in a double dose? I know nothing of ameracauna (EE) genetics. I am guessing I would do best with something from a strong olive-egger line if I wanted her to have olive egger babies. If I was to get her her very own rooster, I would like it to be the very best chance of her having barred olive-eggers. I still don't know for sure what color egg she lays. I will let her settle and once egg production starts up again from moving the girls I will try to segregate her and be certain what color she lays. If it is a white egg, it probably won't be worth fooling with. If it is dark, I might get her her own boyfriend.
Nice hen. She seems like she could have been somebody's project to make barred Amers(or EE with the type).

Beard/muffs is dominant and no lethality associated with it. She looks like she probably is pure for the beard/muff due to the size(birds not pure for it tend to look like Dipsy's hens).

Olive eggs are an visual effect of the blue egg gene on a dark brown eggshell. Light greens is blue on a tinted eggshell.. blue on either a white or very lightly tinted eggshell.

Both sexes can inherit and pass on the Blue eggshell gene and also the various brown eggshell genes. If she lays brown or white, she does not have the bluue eggshell gene.. it would be required to breed her with a rooster either known to have the gene or from a line that has been selected to be pure for this gene.

IF she lays blue/green/olive, you got very very lucky.. all you would need is a Marans rooster to breed with her- he will pass on the dark brown egg genes and she the blue gene and that will result in olive egger daughters.

Barred birds like yours are simply solid black chickens with the Barred gene.. that is why Dipsy recommended black or blue roosters. However that would be sex linked.. her and a black/blue rooster would produce barred sons and solid colored daughters. You could breed a son back to this hen and you would be good for the barring and type.. then select for colored egg daughters.

The wonderful thing about EE is that as they are not a breed.. which means there is no standard to follow.. so you can breed them however you wish!

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