Barred Easter Eggers...Any Interest in Them?


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I have one girl, Panda, who is the daughter of my BR rooster, Zane, and my beloved blue Ameraucana, Charlotte. She is a great girl who lays green eggs. I have four true Ameraucanas and two Easter Eggers (though one is a different-color Ameraucana cross, I believe). The Ameraucanas lay eggs in the blue color family and the two EEs lay green.

All of the daughters from this BR/Ameraucana mating should lay green eggs, just like Panda. Panda, since she is already a cross, when crossed with a BR rooster, will probably produce girls who lay green or possibly tan eggs, so I would try not to knowingly use her eggs in this project.

Would anyone be interested in incubating these eggs in the future? I'm still waiting for my splash Ameraucana to start laying, but when she does, I'm thinking I may offer some up on BST.

For your information, Panda does not have a beard. She looks very much like a Cuckoo Marans with her white legs. Ellie's daughter of Hawkeye and Charlotte has the full beard and looks more like an Ameraucana, so you could get girls who look like either one of those.
I am not too far from you ! I would possibly be interested ! My two favorite breeds of chickens are barred rocks and Araucana/Ameraucanas. I have hatched hundreds of guineas with an incubator, so I don't think I will have much trouble hatching chicks.

I think barred Ameraucanas are beautiful !
Your girls from these matings could look like either Panda or Victoria Elizabeth (owned by Ellie here on BYC). They have the same mother.
enola, you could probably pick up hatching eggs, then. Would be better for your hatch rate. I've have a friend who lives in SC who has been here several times to pick up eggs and chicks.


I would be very interested in giving this a go i would love to buy bearded EE barred chicks from you! i would also be willing to incubate eggs for you, if you like.
Greenwood, SC is about 175 miles from me, I think, so quite a drive.

Here is another picture of Victoria Elizabeth that Ellie took more recently. You can see that she and Panda look so different, though they are the same cross. Even the tightness of the feathering is different, it seems.
Well, I started this thread at the right time, LOL. Snow just laid her very first egg yesterday, so I've posted Barred EE eggs for sale in BST. Thanks for your replies on this one, folks. Helped me decide.

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