Barred Holland breed of chickens

I'm going to get 5 SR chicks for this breed soon. (Went in on a combined order from Urch/Turnland Poultry)

Are they really as laid back as people are saying. I currently have a mixed flock of 6 Delawares, 2 Buff Orps 1 Pita Pinta and 1 Cream Legbar all are pretty calm breeds and no major issues.

I'm in the process of getting started breeding Pita Pintas, and Delawares working on hatching more chicks for CLB too. I'm looking for a less difficult breed to work with in the future and a breed in need of help.
I'm going to get 5 SR chicks for this breed soon. (Went in on a combined order from Urch/Turnland Poultry)

Are they really as laid back as people are saying. I currently have a mixed flock of 6 Delawares, 2 Buff Orps 1 Pita Pinta and 1 Cream Legbar all are pretty calm breeds and no major issues.

I'm in the process of getting started breeding Pita Pintas, and Delawares working on hatching more chicks for CLB too. I'm looking for a less difficult breed to work with in the future and a breed in need of help.
The order fell through.

But I am interested in this breed.
Ive been staring at pics all morning of Barred Rocks and Barred Hollands and I'm trying to see the differences. I think the Hollands are a bit smaller. I know that the Hollands lay white eggs. I know the hollands are rare so its not likely that you would get them passed off as a Rock but could someone pass off a Rock as a Holland easily?

I was only wondering because of the Rocks relationship to the Del and the Hollands were popular back in the day.
If you deal with someone on the thread that is breeding hollands, there are good chances that you will get hollands. I bought pullets from my feed store and half of them laid cream colored eggs.
so you are saying that they are hard to tell just by sight and cockerels even worse because they dont lay.

I was wondering if you could breed a holland with a NH hen and end up with delaware looking sports.
What I was trying to say in a round about way....was the breeders here are working on egg color. Most of them are culling hens that don't lay white eggs. Hatcheries are not culling for egg color. Although my hatchery hens laid as well as my brown leghorns.
What I was trying to say in a round about way....was the breeders here are working on egg color. Most of them are culling hens that don't lay white eggs. Hatcheries are not culling for egg color. Although my hatchery hens laid as well as my brown leghorns.
I agree about the egg color. I was wondering more about the Roo's they seem so similar that you could be introducing the brown egg genes.

I think I detect some shape differences maybe in the head and face but I cant tell from pics. I understand that the holland girls tend to be darker than BPR girls too.

Being fairly new at this I was just trying to educate myself a bit. I guess I had better hurry up and get my SOP.

Barred Hollands are going to be my breed of choice to learn the basic skills before I tackle harder breeds.
Hello all! I currently keep buff orpington chickens and barred buff (lemon cuckoo) chicks. I have become intensely interested in the barring pattern and began looking for the plain blacked barred orpington. In my search, I stumbled upon this forum and have a tremendous interest in assisting in the recovery of a breed. I actually prefer to hatch out my own eggs, as I like that contact from the very beginning - even if it results in a roosters lounging in your lap while you try to post on BYC!

At any rate, does anyone have foundation stock that they are willing to share? As I said, I prefer hatching eggs although that is not the best way to start a flock, but I am certainly open to white fertile eggs. I have sought to join the FB group and I see similar names here and there which makes me pretty excited to work with such a great group of dedicated individuals!

Thank you!
I've just finished reading this whole thread, and I think it's great what's being accomplished here. I had discovered this breed through Google searches for a dual purpose white layer. I have some of these on back - order from any that turn out to be white layers from this hatchery have any merit as breeders?

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