Barred Holland breed of chickens

hmm.. Ok. I will let her know. Thanks! I will get back to you! She would love having a BYC neighbor too!
She should check out for the phone number and hours of the township office. They should be able to tell her what her location's zoning is. It is slightly different the closer you get to the university. We are zoned both residential and agricultural where I am. As I understand it, there aren't limits to what I can have, however, any kind of permanent structure like coops or barns have rules, permits and inspections. They are really great there, much nicer (I have been told) than the borough's office.
Hello Cheralee,

My sister was asking questions for me, but got a little mixed up. I will be moving to slippery rock boro, and it is zoned as residential. I will have to call the boro and ask. Hopefully they are friendly.
I am sure they are. :) I have never approached them for anything, but I assume that there is a borough vs township "thing" as happens in small towns. If you need anything, please let me know.
A bear broke into my barn last night and killed most of my flock. I have one BH girl left alive, and I'm feeling like I should find her a new home because I can only imagine that the bear will come back. Does anyone live close enough to the Upper Valley of NH to take her? She hatched 7/23/2013 from Sandhill. Awesome Hen!
I recently bought a barred Holland cockerel from a woman in the area starting to raise them. Well I think that is what he is, but he has a rose comb and in all the pictures I have seen they don't! She said they have a good personality which sold me as I had decided to raise regular barred rocks but the roosters turn mean when they get to mating age. Any one guess if I have what I thought I bought??
I recently bought a barred Holland cockerel from a woman in the area starting to raise them. Well I think that is what he is, but he has a rose comb and in all the pictures I have seen they don't! She said they have a good personality which sold me as I had decided to raise regular barred rocks but the roosters turn mean when they get to mating age. Any one guess if I have what I thought I bought??
Barred bird with a rose comb always makes me think Dominique, but a picture would sure help.

I've not had any mean barred Rock roosters
Will have to wait for my husband to come home and use his phone to send the picture, my phone won't cooperate today. I am on my second barred rock rooster and he keeps wanting to jump at me and peck me. So with the cross breeding that Hollands have been through then there is still not chance he is a Holland?

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