I was out doing the morning chores - fresh food & water, etc for the chickens & ducks around 10 am today when I heard a disturbance and saw all my birds head for cover. I looked up to see a barred owl fly up and perch in a nearby tree. After much yelling and arm waving on my part it finally left. Our chickens & ducks normally free range in a large portion of the woods and I have criss-crossed fishing line over part of it, which seemed to keep the owl from having his snack. I put everyone in semi-lockdown, restricting them to the more protected area and a good thing because the owl has come back twice, always perching in the same tree. I finally put my birds in complete lockdown as having that owl staring down at my birds is freaky.
I never realized owls hunted during the day, just hoping it gives up and finally moves on. My chickens seem much more aware of danger than the ducks.
I never realized owls hunted during the day, just hoping it gives up and finally moves on. My chickens seem much more aware of danger than the ducks.