Barred Rock Chicken- rooster or Hen?


9 Years
Jul 28, 2010
Gainesville, FL
Well, I THOUGHT I had 3 Hens until recently...our Barred Rock has developed a really large wattle/comb. The chicken in question is about 6 months old and not crowing. He/she HAS started jumping on our other two hens' backs...

what do you think?


Thats definetly a boy!!! Can you see the sickle feathers? The ones just before his tail? They're pointy, which is a usual indicator of Roo, over the nice round feathers a hen would have!
thanks, guys!
He isn't crowing yet at 6 months- is this unusual?
We are in a residential area so I imagine when he finally does start to crow it would be loud enough to bother my neighbors...
Some times it takes them a little while, do you have any other roosters? Sometimes having other roosters around keeps the younger ones from start crowing too early.
if not maybe he is just a late bloomer.

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