Barred Rock Chicks Need Sexing

WHOOHOO I might have one pullet BR. Hey I am happy. I've been putting off considering the deed just to make certain they were all males. If I get even one female from this mess I am a happy woman. Any opinions on the easter eggers? They getting the whole pointy tail thing too.
I've been following this post very closely; your pictures look like they could have been taken in my yard! I, too, have EEs and BRs. Mine look just like yours.

Thanks for the post, and I appreciate all of the helpful comments.
Mmmm well pretty positive that 5 of those barred rocks are roosters. The sixth has no tail at all and is very shy so not sure on that one yet. The others have begun very loud morning crowing though so the debate for me is over. They seem to be trying to outdo each other at this point. BAH

Time to study the meat chicken posts. This is not going to be pretty.

So speckled ummm why does my one have no tail. she is so flat bottomed its not funny.
Heather, I'm so glad you kept this post alive. If you recall, I bought 6 "Barred Rock Pullets" and was suspicious of 4. (I've since determined that I was sold 2 BR pullets and 4 male black sex-links.)

The coloring of mine was darker than yours so I was really hoping they were just pullets with really developed combs. I heard one baby crow a few weeks back and then nothing so I thought that might be the kids playing (they do that sometimes).

Yesterday morning, we heard definite crowing from the coop. And a lot of it!! We live in the suburbs and can't have that. So my husband and I chose two that we think were the most likely culprits. We slaughtered them and butchered them yesterday. I had never done it or seen it done before. Now, we'll have chicken soup for dinner. (it's OT and graphic so I won't post details on this thread, but if you have questions, send me a PM).

Anyway, no crowing this morning so the other 2 cockerels have some reprieve, at least until they too start crowing like crazy at 5am.

Heather - I forgot, did your birds have some blue feathers mixed in too?
Nope no blue feathers on mine.

Ours are crowing alot and we are in a pretty close neighborhood. For right now we are locking them inside the coop in the morning till the neighbors are awake. When we get back from visiting the inlaws it will be slaughter day for us also. So for the next week my mother gets to enjoy the rooster crowing as she babysits. Thankfully she likes the crowing.
Here is a great shot to compare a 6 week old roo with 6 week old pullets. You can see the lighter barring, the lighter legs, and the bigger, redder comb on the roo, as compared with the pullets behind him. Hope this helps!

Well my Barred Rock saga is almost at its end. 5 are waiting in boxes is a cool dark room to be picked up so my brother and husband can do the dirty deed. The 6th is still out in the pen pending crowing. My son is upstairs crying because he likes meat ( long story but he is struggling between a soft animal loving heart and the fact that he doesn't think he can become a vegetarian. life as an 8 year old is rough )

Going to be alot more careful where I get my info from next time I need to buy chicks.
If you are correct, looking at your picture I think I have a roo and a hen. I love the roo, he jumps on my arm as soon as I open the coop and just sits their. I also have
an Austrolorp, which is kind of aggresive. I think it might be a roo. I bought three hoping to get 2 hens. Oh well... Thanks for sharing your pictures.
geez, when I look onto this 6 weeks old birds, i have tears in my eyes !!

ours are also 5 weeks old but barely feathers ..just one has a couple of more ...anyone has an explanation for me please, why mine still like naked?

Your chicks are super cute!!
Don't worry about their feathering. A lot can change in a week, and if your photo is the beginning of 5 weeks, while the one above was taken at the end of 6 weeks, there could be a two week difference between the chicks.

Not sure if season has anything to do with chick feathering, but I know that with older chickens, the time of year affects what sort of feathering goes on. Any seasoned chicken experts know if that happens with chicks, too?

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