Barred Rock - hen or rooster? RESULT = HEN

It does have a big comb but the colors are darker like a pullet. I vote pullet. My roo was alot lighter at that age.
It's very true that they dont always follow the rules. I've had a girl I thought was a boy and vice versa, if you went by the barring alone. I've just never had a girl with a rosy comb and wattles at that age in the BRs. Anything is possible, though!
I gonna say hen. She looks identical to mine.
This is my boy, notice hes got a lighter color to him hens are darker on barred rocks.

I tossed pics of a few of my BR's up a week or so ago (search out my posts) and one of my girls has a comb like that- I was confused about a different one, though- they certainly aren't as easy as some of the other, are they?!?!
Well, your Stella's comb at 11 weeks looks smaller than my BR's comb at 8 weeks... on the other hand, my BR is darker. Speckledhen says roo for mine... so that is concerning.

rscrvc's Stella (11 weeks)

my (vermontgal's) BR (8 weeks)

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