Barred Rock Hens in South Carolina


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
Conway, South Carolina
Looking for 5-6 barred rock hens here in South Carolina. Would travel to get them. Would also trade some Buff Orpington Hens (and a rooster if wanted for them). I live in Conway, near Myrtle Beach. Anyone??
I live in Bucksport but I don't have any Barred Rocks right now. I guess we are neighbors.
I got some Barred Rock's from a lady in Monroe, all very healthy birds, would you like me to see if she has any at present? We got 4 hens and a roo as 3 day old chicks, and they are great birds!! Just let me know.....

That is kind of a long ride for a half dozen birds, but if she has barred rocks, and the price is right, I'll go. Yes please contact her and see if she has 6 hens and what she wants for them. Let her know if she would like 6 hens and a roo (all BO) I would make her a deal too! Thanks,

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