Barred rock or what?

I too believe he is a Sex Link with that coloring. Not a pure breed, so that would be the most likely choice.
Pretty boy though. I hope he is a well behaved gentleman for you and his ladies.
There was a rooster hatched from my BR flock a few years ago that apparently got only one barring gene. He is very dark with some solid colored feathers. If I didn't know for sure his parentage, I'd have thought he was a sex link like this one. Yours is probably a sex link. If you look up posts by lockedhearts about her rooster RuPaul, you'll see what I mean.

Oh, I found one. This is a pure BR. I hatched his mother and grandmother here and the father was my BR rooster. Here is RuPaul at different ages. Sexing was hard on this boy!


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