Barred Rock Pros? Sexing Help?!?


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2015
Hey There! I'm very new to the chicken thing and I have no idea why I waited so long to get some. They are hilarious and fun! Anyway, I have 5 or 6 week old barred rocks, I bought six of them, they were straight run. One of them is clearly different than the others and I'm sure hoping I have one rooster and five hens instead of the other way around. I've gotten conflicting information online and I figured there would be some pros on here :) It's hard to tell the clear difference in pictures but one is developing many more stripes than the others. He/she also has the most yellow feet. The rest have nearly black legs and feet. So far comb sizes seem to be really varied in my bunch. Also, the head feathers on the different one seem to be different. I would love for all opinions! ANYONE knows more about this than me :)

Also, while I've got you here...I did get four brahma girls this week. Has your expeirianced with hatchery sexing been accurate?


Thank you both SO MUCH! That's fantastic news. I'm so attached to these little birds, the thought of having to find a new home for any of them was breaking my heart!
Well, my babies are nine weeks old today and I'm not sure what to think. Here are some updated pics and close up of their faces. They're maturing so fast now!thoughts anyone? Spot any roos? Lol







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Yayyyyy what a relief!! I just love them all so much I couldn't bear having to find a home for any of them if I had multiple roosters. Thanks for the insight :)
My girls (fingers crossed) are 11 weeks old today! They're getting what looks like pointy long feathers on their tails. Hopefully this is normal lol. They are toooooo funny and even come when I call them. They chase the dogs and cat around like a striped little gang :)


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