Barred Rock Roosters?


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2018
Hi! My wife and I are first time chicken owners. We bought 8 barred rock pullets from a local feed store in Michigan (they purchase from Townline Hatchery in Zeeland MI).

Our chicks are about 5 weeks old now and we think 4 out of the 8 are roosters. 4 chicks are noticeably lighter, have larger/darker red combs/wattles.

Looking at the pictures, what do you think? Did we actually get 4 roosters??


Hen on the left, rooster on the right (we think)


Hen on the right, rooster on the left (we think)
Yes, you are correct. The combs for sure give it away, and males are lighter, when you compare the two, males are more 'white with black barring', and females are more 'black with white barring'. As very small chicks the females head spot will be less defined, the males more defined (it can be an art, recognizing comes with practice and is not foolproof!)
Well that's too bad. We we're fine if we ended up with 1 rooster, not 4!

I know buying pullets isn't a guarantee, but I'm kind of thinking we received a straight run or something.

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