barred rock vs. Silver laved Wyandotte


11 Years
Apr 24, 2008
Detroit Michigan
Personality wise which one would you like more? A Barred Rock or a Wyandotte and why?

I've heard many good things about both. In your own opinion which would you say is a better pet chicken.
I would get both
Sadly I can't I have to keep my numbers down. So I'm trying to pick between the two. I already have a Speckled sussex, RIR, Easter egger, and a Delaware. I'm planning on just getting two chicks. I really want another easter egger....and then the other chick will be either a silver laved wyandotte or a Barred Rock.

I guess it also depends on what people have too. Since I haven't found any with barred rock chicks right now.
I would go with a barred rock based on personality, but it very much depends on the bird! the rocks I've had have been nicer then the Wyandottes, but not by too much.

If you have cold winters, I would go with Wyandottes, they don't get frost bite nearly as easy!
I have both breeds. My Wyandottes are not as friendly, but nicer to look at in my opinion. They are both good layers, my SLW keep laying even when it's really cold with short days, doesn't seem to phase them. cv <--- that's from my dog, saying hi. LOL
Barred Rocks have more personality, generally, than Wyandottes. They are more curious and calm. I've had SLWs and a GLW as well as Barred Rocks. I just sold my two youngest SLW girls, though I'm keeping Violet, who is over 3 yrs old.
My Wyandottes are very stand-offish. I like my BR enough that I bought more chicks and some cockerels this year to breed. They aren't as flashy as my gold-laced Wyandottes, but they are calm, sweet and good layers. Wonderful personalities.

I can't even touch my blue laced red Wyandottes. I won't get them again.
Barrd rocks, they way more frendlier than wyndoots, I used to have SLW but I did not like them much, they laied very few eggs.

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