Barred Rocks at 9 weeks

Thanks, SpeckledHen! I am so glad that everyone has been able to confirm my suspicions. I also have done alot more searching inside of BYC with some better keywords and really do think that the guys were wrong about my Black pullet. She definitely matches the description of the Australorp and really looks fairly pure when compared to photos and standards. I'm very excited to have a firm label. After getting the BSL/Black Star "diagnosis", I was concerned that there isn't any bit of brown/red on her. All of the BSL pics I've seen have showed some of this coloring. She is definitely black with green tinting all over...maybe a little duller black on the underside. The temperament of the Australorps also sounds like this girl.

As we didn't hatch her, but got her a little over a week old, she hasn't been an "in your lap" kind of chick, but she will come right up to you and chat. She is also the most trusting and brave over treats...she knows that I bare gifts when she sees me coming. I think she might just be a hair smarter than the others. Whatever she is, pure or not, she's really my favorite of the group!

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