Barred Rocks!!

[/IMG]i bought my baby girl from a bin that was suppose to be SLW. I'm finding out she may be a Barred Rock. She has a white dot on top of her head. If anyone can let me know that would be great. I absolutely love her! Out of all my flock and at such a young age she is the smartest and sweetest!!! Sorry for the picture overload:)
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A story for all.

Last week some neighborhood kids found a small gosling. When I found this out I took it from them and went to the spot where they found it. When I could not locate the chicks mother I decided to take the chick to the lake, which is only about 50 yds from my house. I figured the chicks mother may had went back to the water and she would find her baby or it would die. Knowing that the chances for this gosling was slim I put it in the water and watched as it swam away. 6 days later I came across a family of geese, all the chicks about 5 times the size of the gosling I let go. As the mother and babies where crossing the road the mother had stopped and was looking behind her and out of the grass ran a baby gosling that was to small to keep up. I smiled I knew in my heart that was the baby I let go. It never found it's mother but found a mother never the less.

So sweet! Makes me teary eyed!
Look what I found looking confused at a crossroad. Maybe she forgot where she was going! XD There are no chickens for a 1/2 mile. Trying to find her home, she looks well cares for. Sadly she was probably dumped. If not she will live happily here with mine until her natural life ends:) Our rooster would like to get with her but will have to wait as she is in quarantine.
My 4 BRs are 3 days old and I'm already seeing their feathers!!!! They grow SO FAST!!!! I'm falling in love... I have one that when I reach in the brooder, she comes running up. I'm slowly gaining more and more trust. I love it. Is there some way to sex them just by how they behave because I have one that stands tall and watches the roof and makes a small shrill when one (my favourite) is visiting me. (I personally would love to have a BR rooster. They are pure beauty) My favourite is watching me type this lol she's so cute :) they all have different facial markings too! So cool
I love the pictures please post more ! I want to see how my baby girl will look during her stages of growth. As she is so smart already, curious and a lover! Here is my Lola. Youngest of a flock of 7. Different
breeds. 2 weeks old
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