Bathing Chicks?


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
Well I am sending in more questions asking for advice for my "kiddies".....

Can I bathe my chickens? Like, put them in a tub and wash them sort of like I bathe my dog? I have some white hens that look very dirty, and a couple hens that have poopy bottoms. Can I trim their nails too? For the poopy bottoms, I try to soak the bottoms, and gently pull poop off feathers, but if it doesn't come off, can I trim the feathers back there? If I should/can bathe them, what do I use to bathe them with? would a liquid Castile soap work? I guess painting their toenails would be too much huh? (just kidding lol)
It's spring cleaning at Whispering Pines Farm & Apiary here in SW ARK, and everything is getting scrubbed up from winter!!

Thx for all ya'll time! Blessings, Julie
You ever heard the expression "madder than a wet hen"? That's what came to mind lol. People clean them up for shows and such but I don't think they bathe them? Could be wrong. But do not trim nails. Do not cut feather. Pull them if you must.
why don't cut feathers? (on their bottoms) what about cutting wing feathers????
why don't cut feathers? (on their bottoms)  what about cutting wing feathers????

You could I guess. I just don't. I don't cut wing feathers either though. The only way I remove any feathers are if there are to many around the vent causing fertility issues. And then I pull em. As few as I can.

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