Bator is going after a horrid tragedy


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
A predator destroyed half my flock this morning, so I now have my Brinsea stuffed with my own eggs. We lost our gorgeous Roadie the Roo, so I am hoping for another one in this hatch.

Also if anyone knows of anyone with duck eggs please let me know. There are none listed in BST.
Oh, NO!! I am so very sorry to read of your tragedy! OMG. SO sorry!

Best wishes for the hatch!!!
wished I had known this earlier, I got tried of looking at my duck eggs so I hard boiled them and fed em to the girls today.

forgot to say sorry for your lose and best of luck to you
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Thank you so much!!! That auction is closed, but I messaged the seller. I am still in shock tonight, and really glad the nesting boxes had enough of my RIR eggs in there. I have a mix in the bator but I am hoping for a RIR roo to replace Roadie. Though he was a mix, but he was gorgeous. We found his leg in the field next door.
well since you twisted my arm, i'll save you watch them not lay any more.............they will be mutts, black and white runners,[pr of blacks and 2 white hens] and black/white magpies
That is good!!! It is all just hitting me now. After spending the day dealing with had to be done, I am now a sobbing mess. But the humidity is 41% and the temp is 100 even. So I am good with that part.

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