Bator VS Broody


12 Years
Apr 28, 2008
South Lyon, Michigan
I would like to add some porcelain d'uccles and bantam ameraucanas to my small flock this spring. I am thinking about getting some eggs to put under one of my ever-so-broody silkies and letting her do the job. Is there an advantage or disadvantage to doing this as opposed to using an incubator? I don't currently have one, so the broody would be the ideal path for me:) Thanks!
I'm very pro broody. They do all the incubating, turning, keeping the temps right, keeping the humidity right. Plus, it's natural for baby chicks to see a mother hen when they first come out of their eggs.

Plus, after the hatch, the mother hen continues to do all the work...and it's FREE!
LOVE reading this thread........I am going to hatch eggs this spring and this has decided my method!!! I have one hen that sits on everyone's eggs in the nest box.........She is definately cheaper than an incubator!!!!!!!!
I don't own an incubator, and the only reason I ever considered buying one would be for those times when the hen doesn't stay on the nest until hatch date.

But then, if you have another broody at that time.... :)
I have an incubator but my next batch of hatch will definitely be from a broody hen. It's more natural and it will be fun to watch momma taking care of the babies.
Chicks learn "chicken sense" from the broody that no incubator or human can teach them. How to avoid predators, forage for food, get along in the flock, etc.
After the broody hatches the chicks, what do you need to do? I know that she will show them how to eat and drink, but do you have layer pellets and starter crumbles both available and mixed together, or separated? Will the hen know the difference?
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I supposed the risk of birth defects is dramatically reduced as well when Broody does the work? I think I'm gonna try this come March/April. Anyone got any porcelain d'uccle or bantam ameraucana eggs for sale in a couple months? Thanks!

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